How Fathers Can Organize Their Emergency Prep Items for Emergency Preparedness Month

How Fathers Can Organize Their Emergency Prep Items for Emergency Preparedness Month

Fathers are the backbone of their families, not only when it comes to daily life but also in times of crisis. With September being Emergency Preparedness Month, it's a perfect time to think about how you can organize and prepare your family’s emergency supplies. A well-organized, well-stocked prep kit ensures your family is ready for anything—from natural disasters to unexpected disruptions.

In this blog, we’ll cover essential items for three months of preparedness, how to effectively organize your supplies using totes, shelving, and gamma buckets, and, most importantly, how you can involve your kids and spouse in the process.

Why Organization Matters for Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared isn't just about having the right supplies—it's about knowing where they are and being able to access them easily when time is of the essence. Whether you're dealing with a power outage, a severe storm, or any other emergency, you need to be able to find what you need quickly.

Organizing your supplies ensures that:

  • You can easily track and rotate items to prevent expiration.
  • Your family knows where everything is, so they can help themselves if needed.
  • Your space is used efficiently, allowing you to store more in less room.

Essential Items for Three Months of Preps

When planning for emergency preparedness, aim to have enough supplies to cover your family for three months. Here’s a list of essential items to consider:

1. Food and Water

  • Non-perishable foods: Canned meats, vegetables, beans, pasta, and rice. Consider freeze-dried options for longer shelf life.
  • Water: One gallon per person per day, so calculate based on your family size.
  • Water purification tablets or filters: In case you need to filter water from a natural source.

2. Medical Supplies

  • First-aid kit: Include bandages, antiseptics, and any prescription medications.
  • Over-the-counter medications: Pain relievers, antacids, and allergy medicine.
  • Hygiene items: Soap, hand sanitizer, and feminine hygiene products.

3. Household Essentials

  • Flashlights, lanterns, and extra batteries.
  • Power bank or solar charger for electronics.
  • Propane or camp stove for cooking.

4. Personal Items

  • Spare clothing, blankets, and sleeping bags.
  • Personal documents in a waterproof bag: Birth certificates, insurance papers, and IDs.
  • Games or activities for children to help pass the time.

How to Organize Your Preps

1. Use Totes for Categorization

Large plastic totes with secure lids are excellent for organizing different types of supplies. Label each tote clearly (e.g., “Food and Water,” “Medical Supplies,” “Tools and Equipment”), so you know exactly what’s inside without digging through everything.

Activity for Kids: Have your kids help label the totes with you. They can create colorful labels, which helps them feel involved and familiarizes them with the supplies. You can also make a game of “matching” the supplies to the correct tote.

2. Shelving for Easy Access

Install shelving in a garage or storage area to maximize vertical space. Keep heavier items (like water or large cans) on the lower shelves and lighter items higher up. This ensures that everything is accessible, especially for your kids and spouse.

Activity for Spouse: Work with your spouse to set up the shelving and arrange the totes together. This helps them become familiar with the system and ensures both parents know where everything is. You can also assign certain sections of the shelving for different categories of items, making it easier for everyone to find what they need.

3. Gamma Buckets for Food Storage

Gamma seal buckets are airtight, waterproof containers perfect for storing bulk items like rice, beans, and other long-lasting foods. These buckets protect food from pests and moisture, ensuring it stays fresh for the long term. Use these buckets to store essential foods that will last you through an extended emergency period.

Activity for Kids: Make filling the gamma buckets a family activity. Have your kids help by measuring out dry goods (like rice or beans) and sealing the buckets with you. This not only teaches them about food storage but also makes them feel involved in the process.

Rotating and Maintaining Your Preps

Once your preps are organized, it’s important to rotate items regularly, particularly food and medications, to prevent expiration.

  • Create a rotation schedule: Set a calendar reminder every three months to check the expiration dates on your food and supplies. Rotate out older items by using them in daily meals, and replace them with fresh supplies.
  • Involve your kids: Assign one child the responsibility of "rotation manager." They can help you check dates and restock supplies, turning the task into a learning experience.

Keeping Your Family Involved

Preparedness isn’t just about having supplies—it’s about making sure your whole family is familiar with what you have and how to use it. Here are a few ways you can keep your spouse and children engaged:

1. Monthly Prep Checks

Make it a family routine to do a quick check of your emergency supplies each month. You can even time it with regular household chores. This ensures that everyone stays familiar with where things are stored and helps catch anything that needs replacing.

2. Emergency Drills

Practice emergency scenarios with your family, such as what to do during a fire or power outage. Show your kids where the emergency supplies are and how to use items like flashlights or the first-aid kit.

3. Prep Challenges

Turn preparedness into a fun challenge. Give your kids small tasks, like finding a particular item in the storage area or packing a quick grab-and-go bag. Reward them with praise or a small treat when they complete the challenge.


Being prepared is one of the best ways you can protect and provide for your family in an emergency. But it’s not just about collecting supplies—it’s about organizing them in a way that’s accessible, efficient, and easy to maintain. With some thoughtful planning and involvement from your family, you’ll be ready for anything.

At Legacy Father, we’re here to help you make meaningful connections with your family, whether through fun activities or vital preparedness efforts. Use September's Emergency Preparedness Month as the perfect opportunity to organize your prep items and involve your loved ones in the process.

Let’s take this month to get organized, prepared, and ready to face whatever comes our way!

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